Patricia M. Gillis
Pat's Royal Roads M.A. Graduation Photo, October, 2004
Pat is the Director of the Volunteer Resources Department at
Children's Hospital
a part of Children's and Women's Health Centre of B.C.
Volunteer Inquiries to Pat Gillis
Who am I?
- Education
- M.A. Royal Roads University
- B.A. University of Western Ontario
- Certified Administrator of Volunteer Resources(CAVR)
- Volunteer Organizations
- Past President - CAVR
(Canadian Administrators of Volunteer Resources)
Past President - WADV
(Western Association of Directors of Volunteers)
- Victoria Volunteer Bureau
Victoria, British Columbia
- Place of Birth
Millbrook, Ontario, Canada
- Hobbies
- Reading
- Writing
- Walking
- Visiting nieces and nephews
- Learning new computer skills
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